Saturday, October 03, 2015

Capitalism & Money are Religion in Disguise

 Capitalism's championing of mediocrity and the appearance of excellence over wonderful innovation and demonstrative excellence is displayed throughout our culture (USA & its global derivatives). I have to give props to google here for not abandoning their founding principle of elegance via efficiency and functionality. They've fallen victim to enough compromising of that principle to acquire fantastic financial success, but you at least still see the original google clearer than its embellishments. But I digress...

It is commonly believed that profit and competition are what drive innovation.
NO, THEY DO NOT. Passion and humanity and the love of creation and accomplishment drives innovation. Profit and competition use innovation but stifle it in the name of profit and strategy.

Engineers don't choose how they think - they just do it. Great chefs were good cooks right away, fukin Jordan would have invented basketball had it not already existed...

Most of humanities talents are never realized because of the struggle to earn enough money to live.  The human resources that would be freed up by the elimination of money would be more than sufficient to pursue a closer approximation of a global utopia.

When inside the paradigm of capitalism, it's hard to imagine any other way to be. Break out. We can be so much better than this...

And lastly:

Apartments are ANYTHING but APART!!!  ...assholes...

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