Saturday, October 11, 2003

Everything IS happening and how...

In regard to dimension... hmmm... Assertion: Time is definitely the fourth dimension. We thus far cannot see it in it's entirety. We exist in 3 dimensions... each dimension nests the ones which come before. The next dimension appears linear to the one prior. I explain... If you reach understanding, you may stop reading without missing any info (another post is comming tonight)... Take a piece of paper as an example of a two-dimensional reality (yeah, yeah, though it really should have no depth what so ever). Imagine that the paper's edges extend to infinity... This is our two dimensional reality. Because the page is infinitely large, if held flat (like lying on a table), the only directions it can move are up and down. Up/down IS the third dimension. A two dimensional reality can only be in one point at a time within the third dimension. In our example: our paper (two dimensional reality) has infinite length and with and zero height. Wherever our paper may be sitting is it's current height, but it can only be at one height at a time. A piece of paper cannot be at all heights at once. If we extend this example to the relationship between the 3rd and 4th dimensions, we find the shoe fits. 3D reality can (in our perception) only exist in the 'now'; at a single point in time - as the paper can only be at one height at a time. Thus if you began stacking papers (or moments in 2D) eventually you would begin perceiving the 3rd dimension. If you were to stack papers into infinity (above and below though) you would then have a 3D reality , assuming our little 2D people could navigate between touching pieces of paper. In 3D, we're stuck on our piece of paper for the moment. But if we could some how stack the paper (i.e. stack moments of 3D realities) we would eventually begin to perceive the 4th dimension - assuming we could find a way to navigate between moments (up and down in our 3D stack). Therefore, at this point, I conclude that what we perceive as "the present" is just our inability to see the pieces of paper above and below us. We're only aware of our piece of paper. Thus if we were to become 4D beings, we would perceive the 4th dimension in it's entirety. We would see time in it's whole form all at once. Everything that ever happened and ever will happen would be seen by us as existing simultaneously - Everything would be happening NOW.

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